New York City Father's Rights Attorney
“When there is a battle over child custody or visitation, the mother is often favored over the father by the courts. This bias can often leave a father wondering where to turn.”
When it comes to divorce and separation where there are children involved, it can become complicated. When there is a battle over child custody or visitation, the mother is often favored over the father by the courts. This bias can often leave a father wondering where to turn.
At the Law Office of Rachel Ambats, PLLC, we are equally passionate about securing father’s rights to parent their children. When you need a New York City father’s rights attorney, Ms. Ambats will be your advocate, working to ensure you are treated fairly.
Do you need a Paternity Test?
What happens if you suspect that a child is yours but the child’s mother denies it?
As a father, you have the right to be in your child’s life. Being denied this opportunity is not fair to you and this needs to be settled with a paternity test.
With the help of a New York City father’s rights attorney, you can obtain a court-ordered paternity test
There are many reasons why a father would want to be a part of their child’s life – the vast majority of fathers want to be responsible and provide for their children. Fathers also want a say when it comes to both where a child lives and the decisions made in the child’s life (educational, medical, religious upbringing, etc.).
*Please note that we will also help you if you have been accused of being the father of a child but you do not think you are. In these cases, a court-ordered paternity test needs to take place.
What about fair treatment with Custody and Visitation?
You may have heard that mothers always end up with custody of a child or tend to get more custody time than fathers. Traditionally, that was the case, and in many states that is still what happens. A new study of trial court judges shows that they “sometimes let their personal ideas about gender roles influence their decision-making.”
In fact, the study found that judges with more family law experience tended to engage in more gender-bias decision-making than judges with less trial court experience.
This can lead to them unfairly giving more custody time to mothers than fathers. By securing legal assistance before and during custody agreement discussions, you can work to ensure you get the custody time and visitation you deserve.
We Are Here To Help
You are a father and you have rights.
We know that the Family Court system can sometimes seem unfair to dads, but it does not have to be that way. At the Law Office of Rachel Ambats, PLLC, you can count on having a compassionate and qualified attorney by your side that will work to ensure you are treated fairly. Whether you are going through a divorce or separation or you need to establish paternity, let Rachel Ambats get to work on your behalf today.
When you need a New York City father’s rights attorney, contact us for a free consultation.