New York City Spousal Support / Maintenance Attorney
“The aftermath of a divorce can leave both spouses in new territory, unsure of what to do.”
The aftermath of a divorce can leave both spouses in new territory, unsure of what to do. In many cases, one spouse depended financially on the other during the course of the marriage and may need a New York City alimony attorney.
At the Law Office of Rachel Ambats, PLLC, we are ready to step in and ensure that you get the support you deserve. We know you never anticipated the situation you are in, but you should be treated fairly after a divorce.
What does Spousal Maintenance look like In New York?
Spousal maintenance, more commonly known as alimony, can be either temporary or permanent in New York.
Temporary Alimony is an order from the court that says one spouse must financially support the other while the divorce is being finalized. It will continue throughout the divorce process and will either be terminated upon a final divorce decree or transitioned to permanent alimony.
Permanent Alimony is long-term support made from one spouse to the spouse of lesser means for a longer period. Permanent alimony payments will end on a specified date, when the spouse receiving alimony remarries, or at the death of either spouse.
How are the amount and duration determined?
A judge will consider many factors when determining an appropriate amount and duration of time for payments. These factors can include:
The length of the marriage
The age and health of each spouse
The current and future earning capacity of each spouse
How much one spouse will need to pursue education or vocation training*
Whether a receiving spouse is already self-supporting
Final child support and child custody agreements
Final asset division agreements
And more
* For shorter marriages and younger couples, lifetime alimony may not be appropriate. However, a judge may allow for the spouse of lesser means to receive support to help transition them into a self-supporting job.
What about Modifications?
Either spouse can ask the courts to modify a permanent spousal maintenance order. Modifications may be necessary for many reasons, including:
The receiving spouse gets a better paying job and is better able to support themselves
The receiving spouse is living with a new partner but purposely avoids getting married to continue receiving payments
The paying spouse sees a decrease in their income and can no longer afford the amount they are paying
Let Us Get To Work For You
Issues surrounding divorce and separation are not easy on anyone. This is especially true when it comes to discussing alimony. The chances are that emotions will run high during this process. It is vital that you seek legal assistance to help you through this. At the Law Office of Rachel Ambats, PLLC, we are ready to step in and help you get through this. As you can see, there are many things that will be taken into account and you need to ensure everything is in order. When you need a New York City alimony attorney, contact us for a free consultation.